Using CNNs to Explore ‘Human’ Expression and Emotion

Hillary, Zoe, and Vita

Some Central Questions:

  • How do machines ‘understand,’ connect and convey abstract ideas?
  • How can emotion, abstraction, expressiveness be translated through CNNs?
  • How might these ideas convey notions of ‘humanness’ distinct to individuals through the use of different data sets that are user-specific?

Intended Outcome

a tool(?); perhaps in form of website, or a crowd-sourcing project, or an installation

Potential Learning Models etc.:


  • Sound
  • Hand-drawn drawings
  • Photo datasets
  • User input

Team Distribution:

We are all starting out by exploring different datasets, and it is likely that either out projects will converge into some final exploration. If they do not converge, than we will have an interesting conversation about how they are interconnected.

Success / Failure:

Our tool does not need to “solve a problem”. We would like it to create a meaningful output of some sort, but at the moment are fairly flexible in terms of what that can mean.

our powerpoint!