Reading material to help consider wider concepts and theories relating Art + Machine Learning.

Feel free to add pdf’s to this directory, or paste links below:

technical reading (whitepapers):

most cited: deep-learning-papers

roadmap: Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap

ML ethics research:



artists and machine intelligence

open AI

theory / context:

Alan Turing “Computing Machinery And Intelligence”

Hito Steyerl “A Sea Of Data: Apophenia And Pattern (Mis-)Recognition”

Gilbert Simondon “Technical Mentality”

Friedrich Kittler “There Is No Software”

David Rumelhart “The Architecture Of Mind: A Connectionist Approach”

Donna Haraway “A Cyborg Manifesto”

Jean-François Lyotard _“The Inhuman” (excerpt: Introduction: “About The Human” & Ch 1. “Can Thought Go On Without A Body?”)

Anil Bawa-Cavia “The Inclosure of Reason”

Allison Parrish “Exploring (Semantic) Space With (Literal) Robots”

Christopher Olah “Visualizing Representations: Deep Learning For Humans”

Nora Khan “Towards A Poetics Of Artificial Superintelligence”

Douglas Engelbart “Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework”

Andrej Karpathy “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks”

Valentino Braitenberg “Vehicles”

Matteo Pasquinelli “Abnormal Encephalization In The Age Of Machine Learning”

Orit Halpern “The Trauma Machine”

Jacques Lacan “Cybernetics and Psychoanalysis”

Katherine Hayles “Cognition Everywhere”

Paul Ryan “The Earthscore Notational System”

Antoinette Rouvroy “The End(s) Of Critique: Data-behaviourism vs. Due-process”

Reza Negarestani “An Outside View of Ourselves as a Toy Model AGI”

Paulo Freire “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”

Catharine Malabou “What Should We Do With Our Brains?”

Jacques Ranciere “The Ignorant Schoolmaster”

Stanislaw Lem “Summa Technologia”

Humberto Maturana + Francisco Varela “Autopoiesis and Cognition”

“Animism” Exhibition Catalog

Julia Angwin, Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu and Lauren Kirchner, ProPublica “Machine Bias”

Kate Crawford “Artificial Intelligence’s White Guy Problem”


Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville “Deep Learning”

Machine Learning for Artists

not restricted to machine learning, but great reading lists / syllabi around technology / speculative futures:

Speculating Futures

Chris Novello’s “Computer Utopias” Class

Lauren McCarthy “Security, Surveillence, and Privacy” Class

Allison Burtch’s “Critical Theory of Technology” Class

artsec bibliography

also check these other courses for lecture notes, reading lists, and more