How to install/access Jupyter Notebook via the Floydhub docker and access a notebook

Note: We previously looked at [how to download and install]) Docker, making a directory named sharedfolder in our home directory in the process.

  1. Turn on docker (you may have this installed and run it via your Mac Menu bar).
  2. In Terminal, run docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -p 6666:6666 -v /Users/<yourAccountName>/sharedfolder/:/root/sharedfolder floydhub/dl-docker:cpu bash. If you don’t have it all installed, it will install (wait…). Make sure you replace <YourAccountName>.
  3. It may prompt you for your password. Type it in.
  4. Run jupyter notebook
  5. Go to browser. Type in localhost:8888
  6. In the browser ipython/jupyter, click New > Open Terminal (this all happens in the browser)
  7. In Jupyter in the browser Terminal, go to your sharedfolder cd sharedfolder
  8. In a separate window, go to our findbyimage repository, go to notebooks/word2vec/ or click here.
  9. Click on and click on the download button and download it into the sharedfolder on your computer.
  10. Unzip it.
  11. Go back to your jupyter notebook in the browser and click on the word2vec.ipynb notebook to launch it